Why do I need legacy leadership coaching for educators?

Unlike other transformational leadership coaches, Kathleen has 23 years of experience related specifically to education. She cultivates her experience in crisis communication, passing over $1 billion in school bonds/referendums, and transformational leadership coaching to provide an unparalleled exclusive coaching program for educators who feel called to serve in a higher capacity.

Whether you want to remain in the classroom, move into a building administrator role, be the next superintendent or be a leader at heart but need clarification on what is next, Kathleen can help you unlock what is holding you back and level up your leadership.

What do I get with a coaching package?

  • One — 30 minute coaching call with Kathleen each week of your 6 or 9 month package

  • Create stretchy, yet attainable, weekly goals

  • Accountability project

  • Review of current events impacting education related to educational leadership (crisis communication, media training, branding, community engagement, authentic storytelling, group facilitation)